the grand tour

美 [ðə ɡrænd tʊr]英 [ðə ɡrænd tʊə(r)]
  • 网络大旅行;教育旅行;伟大的旅程;大陆游学;大周游
the grand tourthe grand tour
  1. The Grand Tour was convinced to be an indisipensable form of education for young noble and popular in the higher ranks of society .


  2. Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour , a practice which introduced Englishmen , Germans , Scandinavians , and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years .


  3. Every traveller on the Grand Tour had to visit Florence .


  4. Come on , I 'll give you the grand tour of the backyard .


  5. Can I get the grand tour some other time ?


  6. The grand tour involves two different routes .


  7. Dad and I got the grand tour .


  8. Roger : Hi Dave . Did you get the grand tour this morning ?


  9. After Cambridge , Byron went on the grand tour of Europe , traditional for men of his education ;


  10. A sketch map of the Chinese grand tour must begin in France , the country seen as offering all the essential European virtues : history , romance , luxury and quality .


  11. Design of Locks on the Grand Canal An Imaginative Tour of the Grand Canal in Hangzhou


  12. Two centuries later , that reinvention was itself revived by Englishmen who saw the originals on the Grand Tour , and implanted this new-old form in the American colonies .


  13. I am more used to castles where the pleasures are in the Grand Tour mould : places that offer the past up amid silences and scones - and where even an audioguide can seem daringly avant garde .


  14. In the author 's opinion , the Grand Tour civilized British gentry , improved it 's literacy , art and science , and connected Britain and Europe closer .


  15. The boom has been most notable among Chinese travelers , who 've celebrated their new ability to globetrot with sights-and-malls bus trips across the U.S. and shopping-heavy versions of the old Grand Tour of Europe .
